Tuesday, November 27, 2007

NJAWBO Charity Auction to Benefit YWCA Domestic Violence Program

The Union County Chapter of NJAWBO invites you to this fabulous auction and networking event on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 from 6-9:30 PM at L’Affaire, 1099 Route 22 East, Mountainside, NJ. Tickets for Dinner are $40 for members and $50 for non-members.

Our Annual Charity Auction will benefit the YWCA of Eastern Union County’s Domestic Violence Transitional Housing program. Union County NJAWBO will be raising money to "Adopt-A-Room". Through the proceeds of this auction we hope to provide the appropriate small appliances, furniture and accessories to offer a comfortable environment for women in need of safe harbor. Transitional Housing is urgently needed in Union County. This program will provide the time and supportive services to help women gain the skills they need to become independent and self sufficient and lead violence-free lives. Your participation will help to reach this goal. Here's how you can help:

Eat and Be Merry: Enjoy the cocktail hour and dinner while networking and be entertained by auctioneer extraordinaire Eileen Shrem during the Live Auction portion of the event. Eileen is a long time NJAWBO member and supporter who is sure to generate lots of laughs with her quick wit and fast tongue. Tickets for the event start at $40 for members and $50 for non-members. Please sign up at http://whoscoming.com/njawbounion/

Donate: We are accepting financial donations via check or credit card. Please see http://whoscoming.com/njawbounion/ to make your financial donation.

Strategic Partnerships: Looking to aspire to a higher level of participation and recognition within NJAWBO? Become one of the growing number of Strategic Partners the event and/or the chapter. For more information on Strategic Partnership Opportunities, please contact Diane Antonio at 908.403.8283 or dantonio@njawbounion.org
Don’t miss this opportunity!

NJAWBO needs you to make this our biggest and most generous charity auction yet with your attendance at the event, gift donations, participation in the auction and your strategic partnerships. Only your participation can make this a successful event for you, NJAWBO and for the YWCA of Eastern Union County.

And don't forget, this is also an opportunity to:
Meet… Catch up with friends and network new connections. This is our biggest local event of the year and will draw attendees from across the state.
Win… In addition to winning bids on your "must have" gifts there will be door prize raffles for some special items.
Give and Receive… Consider this event as part of your holiday shopping. There will be many wonderful items for bid. Select gifts for special friends and family.
Please register for the event at http://whoscoming.com/njawbounion/. And, as always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing you there and collecting your donations!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

"Understanding Your Automobile Coverage" Free Seminar

Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf LLP offers another "Need to Know" seminar:

"Understanding Your Automobile Coverage: Are You Covered"
Richard A. Schnoll, Esq., speaker

The ABC's of Coverage
Understanding the Vocabulary
PIP coverage; Underinsured coverage; the Tort Threshold Option

These and other issues will be discussed. Question and answer period.
Wednesday October 17, 2007. 8:00 am-9:00 am. Continental breakfast provided.
Registration required: 201 845-9600 ext. 148 or RSVP@njlawfirm.com
Park 80 West Plaza One, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663

Friday, September 21, 2007

NJAWBO "Business Operations", Sept 27th

Please join the Union County Chapter of the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners on September 27th!

Important and required business operations such as legal, insurance and credit are often overlooked by many start-up businesses as they struggle to learn about marketing and selling their products or services. While these are not very glamorous aspects of running a business, they are necessary to make your business a long-term success. Join us as we hear from the following panel of experts:
  • Brenda Adams of Pre-Paid Legal Services will discuss the legal aspects and potential legal pitfalls related to business ownership and operation.
  • Karen Schmidt of Warren G. Reiner will discuss the different types of insurance you need if owning and running a business and why it's important to have the proper insurance coverage in place.
  • Deborah Lagzdins of Nova Network will discuss how and why to use credit cards in your business.

Here are the details of the event:

Time is running out to register and seats are filling up. Don't forget to make your reservation today!

See you there!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

NJAWBO "Business Operations" Panel, Sept 27th

This message is for all members and friends of the Union County Chapter of NJAWBO (www.njawbounion.org)

Join Us for our "Business Operations"panel discussion!

This is not your every day, run-of-the mill business operations panel. Noooo! Come and learn about the things you need to know to keep your business safe and to keep it running. You'll hear from the following panel of experts:

Brenda Adams of Pre-Paid Legal Services will discuss the legal aspects and potential legal pitfalls related to business ownership and operation.

Karen Schmidt of Warren G. Reiner will discuss the different types of insurance you need if owning and runnign a business and why it's important to have the proper insurance coverage in place.

Deborah Lagzdins of Nova Network will discuss how and why to use credit cards in your business.

Here are the details:
Date: Thursday, September 27th
Time: 6-9PM
Place: Aliperti's Ristorante. 1189 Raritan Rd. Clark, NJ 07066. 732-381-2300. http://www.alipertisrestaurant.com/directions.htm
Cost: $35 for members $40 for non-members and friends
RSVP: By September 24th to Karen Schmidt at karens@wgrinsurance.com or 973-376-6810

AND DON'T FORGET: November 29th from 6-9:30PM is our Annual Holiday Auction. It will once again be held at L'Affaire on Rt. 22 in Mountainside. Cost is $40 for members and $50 for non-members and friends. Reservations are now being accepted. Remember: this is not only a great opportunity to get a jump-start on your holiday shopping, but also a way for you to showcase your business by donating a product, service or by making a financial donation. You'll also have the opportunity to enjoy good food, good friends and meet new people.
If you are interested in making a donation and/or having a display table, please contact Karen Schmidt at
karens@wgrinsurance.com or 973-376-6810.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Diane Antonio at
diane@asmands.com or 908-403-8283

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cohn Lifland Free "Need to Know" Seminars

Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf LLP

Free “Need to Know” Series
2007-2008 Schedule

September 19, 2007
Employer Liability for Employees’ Unlawful Use of Computers
Joseph A. Maurice, Esq. and Andrew R. Macklin, Esq.

October 17, 2007
Understanding Your Automobile Insurance Coverage: Are you covered?
Richard A. Schnoll, Esq.

November 14, 2007
Personal Bankruptcy
Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Esq.

December 12, 2007
Current Issues in Real Estate Transactions
Allen Susser, Esq., Manuel Irizarry, Jr., Esq. and Paul I. Perkins, Esq.

January 16, 2008
Class Action: What’s in it for me?
Peter S. Pearlman, Esq.

February 13, 2008
Avoiding Wrongful Termination Litigation
Jessica V. Henry, Esq.

March 12, 2008
Special Needs Education
Lisa McCauley Parles, Esq. and Tania Garcia-Millan, Esq.

April 16, 2008
Personal Insurance Issues
Barry A. Knopf, Esq. and Marc A. Rosenkrantz, CIC, AAI, President, Schechner Lifson Corp.

May 14, 2008
Minimizing Litigation Risks Through Smart Business Practices
Charles R. Cohen, Esq. and Leonard Z. Kaufmann, Esq.

June 18, 2008
The Do’s and Don’ts of Divorce
Mary Ann Stokes, Esq. and Jason C. Tuchman, Esq.

Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast Served
Reservations Required rsvp@njlawfirm.com or 201 845-9600 ext. 148
Park 80 Plaza West One, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Denise Broesler of RE/MAX Achievers in Summit is holding a public open house event on Sunday, July 15, 2007 from 1-4 pm. It's a "Make Your Own Sundae" open house with all donations going to the Morris County Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. The address is 42 Raynor Road, Morris Township, NJ.

Habitat for Humanity is an organization that helps people find affordable housing. Morris County's high home prices make it unattainable for many families . Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to building homes that are decent and affordable to low income families regardless of their background, race or religion.

The event is free to the public with all donations for ice cream going to the Morris County Chapter of Habitat. Ice cream purchased through Zita's of New Providence. The home is presently for sale and pictures can be viewed at http://RaynorRoad.com. The home will also be featured on July 18th and July 19th at 9 pm on DISH Network Channels 223 and 225. It has recently been added to Youtube and The Real Estate Home Show at http://therealestatehomeshow.com.

For more information about the event, or how you can become a volunteer, contact Denise Broesler of RE/MAX Achievers in Summit at 908-477-9450 or email Denise at Westfieldchat@gmail.com.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

High Traffic Blog

I wanted to tell you of a great blog creater who has created unbelievable traffic to my blog. Her name is Dolores and you can check out her work at http://njrealtycafe.com/, http://westfieldchat.com/ (my blog), http://njmortgagerep.com/ and http://njmortgageblog.com/. Dolores charges a very reasonable amount which includes the blog creating, hosting for one year, and 2 hours software support. You can reach her through http://njrealtycafe.com/ . She is the brains and computer genius behind http://monmouthcountyhouses.com/ and has even repaired my homes.com site (dbroesler.com) and in one day I went up at least 400 views.