Friday, September 21, 2007

NJAWBO "Business Operations", Sept 27th

Please join the Union County Chapter of the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners on September 27th!

Important and required business operations such as legal, insurance and credit are often overlooked by many start-up businesses as they struggle to learn about marketing and selling their products or services. While these are not very glamorous aspects of running a business, they are necessary to make your business a long-term success. Join us as we hear from the following panel of experts:
  • Brenda Adams of Pre-Paid Legal Services will discuss the legal aspects and potential legal pitfalls related to business ownership and operation.
  • Karen Schmidt of Warren G. Reiner will discuss the different types of insurance you need if owning and running a business and why it's important to have the proper insurance coverage in place.
  • Deborah Lagzdins of Nova Network will discuss how and why to use credit cards in your business.

Here are the details of the event:

Time is running out to register and seats are filling up. Don't forget to make your reservation today!

See you there!!!

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